Thursday, 25 April 2013 14:22

Web Interface Help - Settings

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The 'Settings' section allows you to change various Sky Router Tool settings.

Router Connection

Here you can change the connection details for your router. These must be correct for most features of Sky Router Tool to work.

  • Router Type - The model of your router. The DG834GT is the white router provided by sky, the DG934G is the newer black Netgear router (The label on the bottom will have "NETGEAR" written on it).

  • Router Hostname - The hostname of your router (usualy

  • Router User Name - The username for your router's web interface (the default is 'admin').

  • Router Password - The password for your router's web interface (the default for sky routers is 'sky').

Router Logging

This allows you to change the router polling interval (how often Sky Router Tool logs bandwidth and SNR Margin). It is recommended that this is left at 60 seconds.

Router Log Consolidation

In order to prevent the log files becoming too large it is possible to consolidate logs after a certain period of time. Using this page you can add consolidation rules. Note that rules are retroactive and will take effect immediatly.

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