- Added - Support for planner version 2.62
- Added - Option to show volumes which do not appear as FAT32
- Fixed - ExPVR will now format >2TB disks without failing (note that only 2TB of capacity will be usable)
- Fixed - ExPVR will no longer fail without a descriptive error if there is a problem showing the user interface
- Fixed - Grouping still not working correctly for copies from DRX890/5 devices.
- Fixed - On demand recordings showing up as empty groups for copies to DRX890/5 devices.
- Fixed - Recordings not appearing in groups on copied planners.
- Fixed - Issue introduced in V3.8.13 which was causing some copies from legacy devices to result in an empty planner message.
- Added - Support for new database version (PCAT-2.51: introduced in R006.058.60.00P, includes fields for planner sharing)
- Added - Support for reading from German KabelBW disks
- Added - Support for PCAT database version 3.47 (Sky DE)
- Added - Highly experimental support for reading ext3-XTVFS layouts (as used by darwin Sky DE boxes)
- Fixed - More fixes for Sky ITA pre-darwin -> Darwin conversions (now working perfectly)
- Added - "Deselect all deleted" option
- Changed - "Rebuild Planner" is now forced as it is no longer experimental and can fix a lot of planner issues
- Fixed - Various fixes for Italian pre-darwin to darwin conversions
- Fixed - Falure to copy recordings which do not have an SHREC_ITEMS record
- Added - Brand new recording processor for extracting recordings
- Added - PCR regeneration for recordings with missing PCR
- Added - Regeneration of original ECMs in output .ts file
- Added - Newcamd support
- Added - Far better support for various meta-data versions
- Added - Support for different naming scheme used by Indian legacy Tata Sky devices
- Changed - Free version now limited to copying 15 recordings at a time
- Fixed - Incorrect start time for some converted planners
- Fixed - Slow downs when log window open
- Added - Disk properties dialog (includes free space details etc.)
- Fixed - Some issues with sector aligned (DB3/DB4) legacy planners
- Added - Support for a wider variety of legacy planner versions
- Added - Much better legacy DBF format support (means unknown versions are far more likely to work)
- Added - Ability to attach patches to disk for diagnostic purposes
- Added - Ability to force use of legacy planner when darwin databases present
- Fixed - Issues with legacy planner parsing for some planner versions
- Fixed - Issues with legacy recordings which have a start offset
- Added - Grayed out menu items for 'impossible' actions (e.g. copying when no recordings selected)
- Added - 'Format Only' option for formatting disks without copying recordings
- Added - Ability to dismount and refresh disks in main UI
- Added - Support for Picasso 'deleted' items
- Added - Locking of hard disks on mount to prevent outside changes
- Added - Improved recording copy wizard and clearer target box selection
- Fixed - Issues with pre-darwin to picasso copies
- Fixed - Various issues with merging / planner rebuilds and Picasso
- Changed - Rewritten database engine which is far more compatible with changing Sky+ database versions
- Changed - Rewritten UI code
- Fixed - Various DBF (legacy planner) parsing issues
- Added - Support for pre-darwin (Sky+ and Thompson Sky+ HD) to darwin copies (all other HD boxes)
- Added - Improved support for pre-darwin devices
- Added - Support for merging recordings from one or more disks onto one
- Added - Better support for recovering recordings from corrupted disks
- Added - Display of Genre and Sub-Genre information for planner items
- Fixed - Bug which caused a blue screen to appear before certain pre-darwin recordings (including recordings made on Darwin systems before they where updated)
- Fixed - A problem causing the buttons on the registration dialog to be pushed off the end when windows was set to High DPI
- Fixed - Bug causing errors if only a small amount of video data was copied to an image (the image was not being made large enough to fit the databases)
- Added - Support for copy+ *.XTV files
- Fixed - Whole program crash on preview when video player does not exist
- Fixed - Problems with non-english code pages
- Fixed - Problem with cluster chain from extent code (for reading corrupt hard disks)
- Fixed - Various pre-darwin issues
- Added - Recording Previews
- Added - VOD recording highlighting & selection
- Fixed - Error when creating an image file which did not already exist
- Added - New user interface built in WPF
- Added - Experimental legacy planner support
- Added - Support for falling back to using the extent file for drives with a corrupt video FAT
- Added - Support for new meta-data formats
- Added - New log viewer
- Added - Format & Copy Wizard
- Added - Configuration Tool
- Added - Logging to file & far more verbose log items
- Added - Faster method of detecting encrypted recordings
- Added - Basic cacheing for direct disk access (should give better performance)
- Added - FAT map diagnostic tool
- Added - Diagnostic tool
- Added - Update notifier
- Changed - Rewritten Fat32 code (should perform better, and less likely to contain bugs)
- Fixed - File naming error for drives still containing legacy recordings
- Fixed - Errors with planners containing Anytime+ entries (to do with event name format)
- Fixed - Various miss-alignment issues
- Fixed - Errors with the little endian amstrad box
- Fixed - Out of memory error for large STR extents.
- Fixed - Problems reading file systems without a volume label (newly formatted darwin file systems no longer have a volume label).
- Fixed - Progress bar error in file system viewer
Initial Release